
Freewallet Media Review March 2020

March 2020 was a time of profound upheaval for all of us. While the coronavirus was spreading and traditional financial markets were getting shaken up, Bitcoin went down to $3,850. Due to the pandemic, we were forced to self-isolate and work remotely. However, the endless flow of frightening information within the four walls of our houses didn’t prevent us from working effectively. In truth, our workload of tasks and keeping connected with our community has been the Freewallet team’s secret to not losing heart in this difficult time.

Launch anti-crisis off-chain exchanges with Changelly

We’ve joined forces with Changelly to combat the crisis by opening off-chain exchanges for a list of 54 coins and ERC20 tokens, including BTC, ETH, EOS, and LTC. Off-chain exchanges are executed in 2-3 minutes and characterized by better rates and enhanced anonymity.

“We’ve been working with Changelly for a long time. Our successful experience together and mutual trust have allowed us to integrate off-chain exchanges into Freewallet and thereby further advance in our goal of providing the best service possible to our over 3 million users” – said Solomon Brown, our Head of PR.

Our press release about the opening of off-chain exchanges was widely disseminated. This is just a minor slice of all the publications that carried it:


We concentrated on delivering exclusive content last month. In cooperation with, we’ve prepared analytical research about what’s going on with the consumer behavior of Freewallet Indian users. “Indians take third place among Freewallet visitors. Along with that, the share of purchases made by Indian customers makes up only 1.8% of purchase deals from the USA, taking first place in the Freewallet traffic flow” – according to the article. | Massive Indian Traffic Comes With Small Purchases: A Case Of Freewallet

Interview with Angela Tong, Partner and Editor-in-Chief of Jinse Finance

We had the unique opportunity to chat with Angela Tong in an exclusive interview, and we were highly impressed with her unconventional, truthful, and sincere answers. Mrs. Tong is one of the most influential media executives in the international crypto community and the team leader of the №1 blockchain media in China with over 500 thousand monthly visits. More than 128 thousand people have read our inspiring and insightful interview with her. Invest your time to get acquainted with Angela Tong.

Reviews and Rankings

Today Freewallet unites more than 3M users worldwide. We provide an all-in-one solution to buy, sell, store, and manage crypto available for Android, iOS, and web platforms. This is why media outlets have demonstrated a sustained interest in reviewing Freewallet features and functions.

“The best crypto wallets are often equipped with extra capabilities, and with Freewallet, that comes in the form of the “top up phone” feature, which you can use to pay off your phone balance with bitcoins. This feature covers more than 400 mobile operators across the world” – wrote to

“The safety of your funds is what Freewallet values the most. The company has a sophisticated security structure in place at all times to make sure that your funds will never get into the wrong hands” – said