
The full list of supported ERC20 tokens

The full and relevant list of supported tokens can be viewed in our Multi-coin wallet (iOS, Android) or Web wallet.

To find a token, please press the “Receive” -> “Add wallets” button.

Also, don’t hesitate to contact our customer service to find out if a token is supported.

Start typing the name or ticker of your token in the “Receive” window. If we support it, the token name will pop up. Feel free to send the relevant tokens.

If you’ve participated in an ICO, and your token is an ERC20 one, please contact us once it’s present on exchanges.

Please be advised that we are not responsible for any activities performed by the company which launches an ICO (including a possible bankruptcy,  token freeze, failure to comply with its obligations, and others).

You can also find all the currently supported assets here.