
Why can’t I send coins to Segwit addresses?

Freewallet would like to avoid situations when coins are mistakenly sent to the addresses with little or no chances of recovery.

You can use Segwit BTC address only for sending BTC coins. You can easily recognize it – Segwit addresses start with “3”.

But if you send LTC, USDT, BCH or Doge to BTC addresses, this kind of transaction wouldn’t be correct and we won’t be able to retrieve your coins.

Please, always double check your recipient address prior to sending a transaction.
Currently, there are no official ways or tools to retrieve LTC, USDT, BCH or Doge from Segwit addresses. However, you can find quite a number of people offering to recover your coins in such cases, but beware – they request sensitive information about your wallet and often demand bounties.

We will continue seeking ways to retrieve your coins that were sent to the wrong addresses. We also do hope that Segwit developers will come up with a way to facilitate this process in the nearest future.