
Buy The Dip: Meaning In Crypto

Buy The Dip: Meaning In Crypto

As with most things on the Internet, cryptocurrencies introduced a new lexicon — a set of unique words and phrases that can initially seem alien to the uninitiated. One such term is “hodl.” It’s a playful twist on the word “hold”, urging individuals to retain their crypto coins rather than exchanging them for traditional currencies. Believe it or not, this term began from a simple typing error in an online Bitcoin discussion and, for reasons known and unknown, it stuck.

Today, our focus shifts to another catchy phrase from the crypto vernacular: “buy the dip.” On the face of it, this phrase advises that the best opportunity to invest in a cryptocurrency is when its price has decreased. This article aims to unpack the layers behind this phrase, elaborate on the strategy it entails, and present a broader understanding of its implications in the cryptocurrency sphere.

What Does Buy The Dip Mean?

“Buying the dip” is more than just a meme-heavy catchphrase in the buzzing halls of the crypto community. While it sounds trendy, the concept is grounded in a simple and timeless financial principle: purchase an asset when its value is low, with the anticipation of selling it when its value appreciates. This foundational idea has been around long before the dawn of cryptocurrencies.

Leading crypto experts and analysts are fairly confident that major cryptocurrencies are not just fleeting trends — they’re here to stay. Historical data suggests that when these digital assets experience a drop in value, they often rebound in time, be it weeks, months, or sometimes even years. The pivotal realization here is that temporary market slumps don’t spell doom for a cryptocurrency. For many enthusiasts, a dip in the market is a beckoning call — a window of opportunity to buy. Thus, in the lexicon of crypto trading, “dip” doesn’t imply a lasting devaluation. It is synonymous with a brief downturn, often seen as an opportune moment to invest.

Risks of Buying the Dip

The meteoric rise and mainstreaming of cryptocurrencies fueled global interest. It attracted a vast array of individuals, many of whom lacked a basic understanding of trading principles. Eager to ride the wave and make quick gains, they poured money into cryptocurrency exchanges and new crypto ventures, particularly during the 2017 crypto boom. Unfortunately, the market is unpredictable. Many such individuals faced crushing losses during the sharp downturn of late 2017 and 2018. 

The 2017 Bitcoin downfall

This period, remembered for its volatility, also saw an explosion of “buy the dip” memes across social media platforms. These memes humorously, and sometimes painfully, highlighted the plight of those who bought during the alleged dip but then watched in horror as prices plunged further. Figures like the renowned investor and crypto skeptic Warren Buffett became recurring characters in these memes, often depicted in humorous or ironic situations related to the market’s performance.

However, every cloud has a silver lining. The massive plunge in 2017, while distressing at the time, was just a phase. Many of the primary cryptocurrencies not only recovered but even shattered their previous records. Those who had the foresight, patience, and a bit of luck to maintain their investments over these turbulent years saw handsome returns by 2021.

Yet, it’s essential to underline that while “buying the dip” might seem like a universally sound strategy, it requires thorough research and informed decision-making. Blindly investing in crypto without a clear understanding can be perilous. Employ technical analysis tools to grasp potential price movements. Relying solely on intuition or superficial information can be dicey, sometimes resulting in significant losses. Professional traders often employ a range of tools, like RSI, Stochastic Oscillators, and Moving Averages, to gauge the market’s pulse. Recognizing patterns and understanding their implications can be invaluable. It’s always advisable to have a clear, informed strategy when diving into the tumultuous waters of crypto trading.

How to Buy The Dip?

“Buying the dip” refers to a common strategy for long-term investors. Essentially, this method involves purchasing an asset when its price drops and holding onto it until there’s a significant price increase. But before you decide to “buy the dip,” you need to be fairly certain that the asset’s price will rebound and not continue to decrease. If the price keeps dropping, you might consider waiting for an even lower price or decide against investing in that asset altogether.

When you’re considering buying the dip, it’s crucial to think about the risks. Even though you’re purchasing an asset when its price has decreased, there’s still a chance it might not fully recover. Or, it could take a much longer time to go back to its previous value than you anticipated. That’s why, apart from studying market patterns, signals, and other information, you should always follow one golden rule: Never invest more money than you can afford to lose. It’s important to remember that even cryptocurrencies that appear stable can experience sudden drops in value for various unexpected reasons.

There’s a belief among some that the “buy the dip” approach is largely a guessing game. Predicting the movements of the cryptocurrency market is challenging, even with the best analysis tools at hand. Take Bitcoin’s performance in November 2021 as an example. Its price exceeded $64,000. But within two weeks, it fell to $57,000. Many saw this as an opportunity to buy the dip, but they couldn’t predict that the price would decline even further. By October 2023, Bitcoin still hasn’t reached the $57,000 mark again. This shows the unpredictability of the market. Yet, it’s essential to remember: If you decide to enter the market based on guesswork, you should only commit what you’re willing to lose. Another example is the cryptocurrency Bitcoin Cash, ranked 17th in market capitalization as of October 2023. It has yet to match its highest price from 2017. This means that those who invested in Bitcoin Cash six years ago are still waiting to recoup their initial investment.

Buy The Dip: The Step-by-Step Strategy

If you’re keen on implementing the “Buy The Dip” strategy, follow these steps:

  1. Select Your Cryptocurrency: Decide on which one you wish to invest in. Make sure it has a good chance of recovering after its price has dropped.
  2. Determine Your Budget and Desired Price: Identify the price point at which you aim to purchase the asset. Decide on the amount you’re willing to invest. Plan ahead to determine the best price at which you’d consider selling your asset. For this, you’ll need to research its historical prices.
  3. Execute the Purchase: Keep an eye on price changes. Buy your chosen asset when its price matches your target.
  4. Use a Stop-Loss Order: This tool can help limit potential losses. It will automatically sell your cryptocurrency if the price drops to a set level. If the price doesn’t go that low, consider adjusting your order.
  5. Celebrate the Gains: If all goes according to plan, you can enjoy the financial benefits.


The phrase “buy the dip” serves as a reminder: Sometimes, a decrease in price offers a chance to buy, rather than signaling danger. Every experienced investor or trader knows the basic principle: Buy when prices are low, sell when they’re high. This applies especially to the ever-changing crypto market, where prices can bounce back in surprising ways.

However, remember this: Purchasing during a period of rising prices (an uptrend) generally makes sense for short-term trades. If you buy during a period of consistently rising prices, there’s a risk the price might fall later on. And there’s no guarantee when, or if, it will rise again. So, often, it’s advisable to buy after a price decrease, or in other words, “buy the dip.” Always keep in mind, though, this article doesn’t offer investment advice.