
AML policy and your account blocking

Freewallet strives to provide a safe and secure environment for high-level crypto-currency management, which requires complying with international laws, including those that combat money laundering and other illegal financial activities. Therefore, as a part of our security procedures, we monitor the daily activity of our users.

When we notice suspicious activity, we have to immediately block the account for security reasons. In this case, Freewallet follows AML policy,  which is part of our Terms & Conditions, and our support team agent can kindly ask you to go through the account verification procedure.

If your account is blocked, please send us the color scanned copy of your official identification (national / travel passport or driving license in English). The document should be at least 200 DPI, unedited, with all the personal data perfectly readable. Also, please provide us a reasonable explanation of your account activity to ensure you are not doing anything harmful to our system.

The withdrawal option is not available until you have gone through the verification procedure. Once it’s successfully passed all the functions of your wallet will be restored.

Thank you for your understanding!