Case #1. Exchange one cryptocurrency to another within Freewallet.
There is an alternative way to exchange currencies, which you will probably find more simple and convenient.
- To start, just tap on “Exchange coins”, select the currency you’d like to exchange.
- Then, tap on ‘Continue’ and proceed with the exchange process as shown below.

Case #2.Top up your wallet with a different cryptocurrency
For example, you need to exchange Tether (USDT) to Litecoin (LTC) within Freewallet.
- Start with launching your Freewallet app or logging into your web wallet, then tap “Receive”.
- In the section “Choose wallet” select Litecoin, then in the section “Top up with other currencies” below, choose Tether from the list.
- This way, a new deposit address will be generated specifically to top up your LTC wallet with USDT.
- Copy the new address, switch to your USDT wallet and proceed with sending the required amount of USDT to this new address.

- Tap “Send” find Tether from the list and tap “Continue”.
- In the field “Send to wallet address” enter the copied address and tap “Continue”.
- Select Litecoin from the list and tap “Continue”.

Important: The minimum amount for the exchange operations is defined by the exchange service. It varies constantly, depending on the currency exchange rates.
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