– Install Google AuthenticatorAuthy, or any other app on your device.

– Open the Freewallet app. Select “Settings” – “Security” – “2-factor authentication”.

– Click on “Begin setup”. You’ll see the key along with the QR code. Copy it.

– After that, open your Authenticator. Add account (e.g., you may call it “Freewallet”) and enter the copied key. You’ve started to tie your Authenticator to your Freewallet cryptocurrency mobile app.

– Then, open the Freewallet app and enter the validation code.

– Finally, 2FA will be set in all of your Freewallet apps. Make sure to save it in a safe place.

– You will be offered to confirm every login or every payout transaction. Choose a relevant option.

– Each time you log in to your special account in the Authenticator, you will see the code specifically generated for authentication in the Freewallet app.

– Find more info on the 2FA feature here.

2FA feature

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