Buy crypto gift cards from Ebay
Buy crypto gift cards from Ebay
Buy Ebay gift card from $5.00 in Freewallet for Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies to access millions of goods and services from a TOP online service.
Buy in the wallet

How does Ebay work?
Shop from 25 Million sellers worldwide with Ebay Gift cards. Electronics and Accessories, Clothes, Mobile phones, Video games, Health and Beauty, Home and Garden, etc. You will find anything you need from 1.2 Billion listings if you are still not a user of this online shopping website. The Gift card can be redeemed anytime, its balance will be added to your eBay balance, available for online shopping immediately.
Get started
With your Ebay Gift card:
- Buy goods from 15 categories
- Choose from 25 Million sellers worldwide
- Order fast delivery or pay for a premium service
- Find specialists in your area
- Even plan a wedding!
How to buy Gift Cards with cryptocurrency?
Go to the Gift card store, choose from 30+ cryptocurrencies to pay from, your country, and the amount. Upon successful transaction, a digital code will be sent to your email with instructions.
- Buy Gift card in the Web Wallet or in the Crypto wallet app.
- Tap on ‘Receive’.
- Choose your country and preferred cryptocurrency. The value will be shown in crypto and your currency.
- Ready! Check your email, a code will be delivered upon successful payment. The Gift Card feature is developed as an online store, where you can browse cards by country, category and popularity.
Why Freewallet?
Freewallet is a guide to the crypto world created to simplify crypto specifics and make access to coins easier. The Freewallet Family includes dedicated wallets for 100+ popular cryptocurrencies available on Android and iOS, as well as a Multi-currency wallet app with a web interface.
Built-in exchange for 100+ different cryptocurrencies
Instant and fee-free transactions within Freewallet
Purchase via credit card
Interface translated into 13 languages
Multi signature confirmation for each transaction
Limits per day/week to help minimize the risk of theft
Coins are held in a cold storage
2FA, pin-code and Fingerprint support
Still have questions?
If you have any questions please feel free to ask. The cryptocurrency wallet team
is ready to help you 24/7 with your cryptocurrency wallet app.
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