For quite a while now, Freewallet had a feature that allows users to import or export assets via their private keys or a mnemonic phrase. For now it works for the BTC wallet only.

To import funds from another wallet via the Freewallet web app you need to:

1. Log into your Freewallet account;

2. Go to Settings page (to do so, click the ‘Settings’ button with a cog on top of the screen);

3. Choose ‘Import wallet’;

4. Here you have two options:

    – Private key (chosen by default)

    – Mnemonic phrase;

5. If you are visiting this page for the first time, you will need to click ‘Got it’ in the hightlighted checkbox;

6. After you’ve chosen your preference, you need to paste a valid sequence of characters;

7. In a few minutes the funds will be imported from another wallet.

How do import or export coins?

To export funds to another wallet via the Freewallet web app you need to do practically the same:

1. Log into your Freewallet account;

2. Go to Settings page (to do so, click the ‘Settings’ button with a cog on top of the screen);

3. Choose ‘Export wallet’;

4. Here you have two options:

    – Private key (chosen by default)

    – Mnemonic phrase;

5. If you are visiting this page for the first time, you will need to click ‘Got it’ in the highlighted checkbox;

6. After you’ve chosen your preference, you need to paste a valid sequence of characters;

7. In a few minutes the funds will be imported from another wallet.

export private key (web walllet)

* In addition, when you chose the ‘Mnemonic phrase’ option you will be given a supportive link to a BIP39 Mnemonic Code Converter.

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