There are two types of transactions:
- Pay In – incoming transactions.
- Pay Out – outgoing transactions.
Every transaction has its life cycle: Presend -> In progress / Pending -> Completed / Failed
Presend (Pay Out only)

This status is shown with an orange line under the transaction.
It means that Freewallet is trying to create a blockchain record of your transaction. Usually, it takes just a few seconds, and you probably wouldn’t even see this status.
If this status doesn’t change for a long time, there might be problems with your internet connection.
In progress / Pending

When a blockchain transaction is created you’ll have to wait for the network confirmations needed to approve your transaction.
Your incoming transaction will have Pending status.

Now the transaction is completed and the money is credited to your account.
Failed (Pay Out only)

When the transaction fails, there is nothing to worry about. Check out what could be the possible source of this problem:
- Make sure you’ve entered the correct wallet address.
- Make sure you aren’t trying to send more money than you have. Usually it happens when:
- There is another transaction in progress.
- You didn’t take into consideration the network fee.
- There might be an issue with the Internet connection.