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202120232faADAaddressaddress updatesadoptionALGOAlgorandapi3Apple PayAPRAPYardorasymmetric encryptionATHATLatomAVAXbankexbchBeacon ChainBear Flag Patternbear pennant patternBear TrapBearish Harami Candlesbech32beginner's guideBinanceUSDbitcoinBitcoin CashBitcoin fractionBitcoin GoldBitcoin halvingbitcoin safetyBitTorrentbkxblock tradeblue chip cryptosbnbbscbsvbtcBTGBTTBullish engulfing candleBullish Harami CandlesbusdButterfly PatternbuyCardanocashbackCELCelsiuschangellychart patternsConsortium BlockchaincontractCounterparty riskCovered Callcryptocrypto market liquiditycrypto recoverycrypto tradingcryptocurrecy-comparisonscryptocurrencycryptocurrency-guidesCup and handle patterncustodial walletdaidata blocksDCAdefideflationdelistdelistBUSDdgbdigibytedigixDOGEdogecoindoji candlestick pattersDOTdragonfly dojiEl SalvadorElon MuskemailenjenjinEnjincoinEOAEOA walletseosEQIFIEQXEQXtokenerc-20 tokenserc20etfethETH halvingethereumEthereum halvingEthereum MergeEthereum Virtual Machineevening star patternEVMexchangeExternally Owned AccountfacebookFalling wedge patternFDVFederated BlockchainfiatflippeningFOMOforkFreewalletfrwtFUDFully Diluted Market Capgenerate addressgift cardgift-cardgiftcardsgiveawaygravestone dojiHammer Candlestick PatternHappyNewYearhardforkhashhashingHBARHead And Shoulders PatternHederahidden bearish divergencehidden bullish divergencehidden walletHODLhoneypotI Owe Youignisimpermanent lossinflationIOUkinlegalisationLiquidity miningLiquidity poolLiquidity poolslitecoinlong-legged dojiltcLUNCMACDmarket capmarket capitalizationMarket cyclesMATICmetamaskmetaversemimminergateminingMoneromultisignew addressnew addressesnewsNEXOnftnodesnon-custodial walletnon-custodyOff-Chain TransactionsOn-Chain Transactionsoptions in crypto tradingOrder BookpartnershippaxgpaxospayinpmaPolkadotPolygon MATICPrice predictionprice-predictionsPrivate Blockchainprivate key encryptionpromotionprotectionproxyPublic Blockchainpublic key encryptionpumapayRelative Strength IndexRENRenderReplay attackrippleRising wedge patternRNDRRSIRSVSANDSandboxScalping Tradingsecurityseed phrasesegwitBech32SHIBShiba Inuslippageslippage in cryptosmart exchangesolsolanasollutionspot marketsspot tradingstablecoinstablecoinsstellarStop limit orderstop orderstore of valuestorjsupport portalSwing Trading Cryptocurrencysymmetric encryptionSystemUpgradeTELTelcoinTelegramTerra Luna Classictetherthree white soldiers patterntokentokenomicsTONTradingtrading patterntrc-20Triple Bottom PatternTriple Top PatterntrontrueusdtrxtusdUNIUniswapusdusdcusddusdnusdtusdt20vechainvesting in cryptovetwalletwallet addresswallet recoverywash sale rulewash tradingwbtcweb5WINWINkLinkwrapped bitcoinXDCXinFinxlmxmcxmoxmrxrpZCASHZEC

Can Freewallet hold free giveaways? Or a few words about phishing

Freewallet does not run free giveaways. We’ve decided to make this posting because, from time to time, our team receives letters from the people claiming their reward promised by a fake Freewallet giveaway campaign.

Best questions about Freewallet gathered and answered

Come holiday season the Freewallet team does two things: we eat as much holiday candy as we can get our hands on and we churn out analytics. Previous year our customer support department gathered the most common questions they got asked by the users of Freewallet in 2018, and in this (and the following) article we’ll answer all of them.

Freewallet Year End Results 2018

The Freewallet team had a fruitful year. Let’s trace all our achievements for 2018.

Halloween Scary Tales

Are you getting ready to celebrate All Hallow’s Eve? Our fantastic team wanted to tell you a couple of harrowing tales based on real events. Let’s have some skele-fun!

PIN code becomes a new mandatory security feature

The past couple of weeks we’ve been posting about our special security features — cold storage, transaction limits, multisig. The next in the pipeline is PIN code, which we’ve recently made mandatory for all our accounts.

How to use multisig in Freewallet and why

In the crypto world, security is everything. We take the security of our users’ accounts more than seriously, so our wallets are equipped with a cohort of top-notch security features. One of them is multisig. Read on to find out what it is, how it’s implemented in our wallets, how to enable it and how it can be used in real life situations.

Transaction limits

Freewallet is famous for its disruptive security features. Being one of the rare hosted wallets, it secures user funds with 2FA, multisig and a cohort of optional security settings. Today’s post is about transaction limits, a feature that allows you to limit the amount of coins that can be withdrawn daily or weekly.

Freewallet comments on the accusations of being “100% a SCAM!!!”

So, you might have seen the phrase — “Freewallet is 100% a SCAM!!!!” possibly several times and in several places. It’s like a big fat elephant in the room: most of our users have seen at least one of those threads on reddit or BitcoinTalk, but we haven’t yet posted any official denial of the rumours.
Well, here it is. We are not a scam

Guide to Blockchain Addresses

Imagine Harry. Harry loves Bitcoin. Recently, Harry sent Bitcoin to his friend’s Bitcoin Cash wallet. The money left Harry’s wallet but never got to his friend’s account. Turns out, sending BTC to BCH was not the best idea. Our support team helped Harry to get his coins back, but they had to jump through some hoops. Meanwhile, Harry was very upset. Bottom line: don’t be like Harry. Always check if you’re sending your coins to the right address

Active sessions control

Additional security measures are annoying, so we’ve heard, but disregarding them is a very big mistake. We take security very seriously and constantly implement new features to protect our user’s funds. One such feature is the active sessions control.

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202120232faADAaddressaddress updatesadoptionALGOAlgorandapi3Apple PayAPRAPYardorasymmetric encryptionATHATLatomAVAXbankexbchBeacon ChainBear Flag Patternbear pennant patternBear TrapBearish Harami Candlesbech32beginner's guideBinanceUSDbitcoinBitcoin CashBitcoin fractionBitcoin GoldBitcoin halvingbitcoin safetyBitTorrentbkxblock tradeblue chip cryptosbnbbscbsvbtcBTGBTTBullish engulfing candleBullish Harami CandlesbusdButterfly PatternbuyCardanocashbackCELCelsiuschangellychart patternsConsortium BlockchaincontractCounterparty riskCovered Callcryptocrypto market liquiditycrypto recoverycrypto tradingcryptocurrecy-comparisonscryptocurrencycryptocurrency-guidesCup and handle patterncustodial walletdaidata blocksDCAdefideflationdelistdelistBUSDdgbdigibytedigixDOGEdogecoindoji candlestick pattersDOTdragonfly dojiEl SalvadorElon MuskemailenjenjinEnjincoinEOAEOA walletseosEQIFIEQXEQXtokenerc-20 tokenserc20etfethETH halvingethereumEthereum halvingEthereum MergeEthereum Virtual Machineevening star patternEVMexchangeExternally Owned AccountfacebookFalling wedge patternFDVFederated BlockchainfiatflippeningFOMOforkFreewalletfrwtFUDFully Diluted Market Capgenerate addressgift cardgift-cardgiftcardsgiveawaygravestone dojiHammer Candlestick PatternHappyNewYearhardforkhashhashingHBARHead And Shoulders PatternHederahidden bearish divergencehidden bullish divergencehidden walletHODLhoneypotI Owe Youignisimpermanent lossinflationIOUkinlegalisationLiquidity miningLiquidity poolLiquidity poolslitecoinlong-legged dojiltcLUNCMACDmarket capmarket capitalizationMarket cyclesMATICmetamaskmetaversemimminergateminingMoneromultisignew addressnew addressesnewsNEXOnftnodesnon-custodial walletnon-custodyOff-Chain TransactionsOn-Chain Transactionsoptions in crypto tradingOrder BookpartnershippaxgpaxospayinpmaPolkadotPolygon MATICPrice predictionprice-predictionsPrivate Blockchainprivate key encryptionpromotionprotectionproxyPublic Blockchainpublic key encryptionpumapayRelative Strength IndexRENRenderReplay attackrippleRising wedge patternRNDRRSIRSVSANDSandboxScalping Tradingsecurityseed phrasesegwitBech32SHIBShiba Inuslippageslippage in cryptosmart exchangesolsolanasollutionspot marketsspot tradingstablecoinstablecoinsstellarStop limit orderstop orderstore of valuestorjsupport portalSwing Trading Cryptocurrencysymmetric encryptionSystemUpgradeTELTelcoinTelegramTerra Luna Classictetherthree white soldiers patterntokentokenomicsTONTradingtrading patterntrc-20Triple Bottom PatternTriple Top PatterntrontrueusdtrxtusdUNIUniswapusdusdcusddusdnusdtusdt20vechainvesting in cryptovetwalletwallet addresswallet recoverywash sale rulewash tradingwbtcweb5WINWINkLinkwrapped bitcoinXDCXinFinxlmxmcxmoxmrxrpZCASHZEC
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